


Perrine's new chatbot offers clear and quick answers 24/7,

Welcome to the Beta version of our PermaChat Boots, "PermaBot", your dedicated advisor on permaculture and nature's intelligence.
Currently in the experimental phase, this tool is free and allows you to ask up to 5 questions per month. Take advantage now to explore and ask your questions to Perrine... or almost... and benefit from her practical and inspiring advice.
This offer is available until March 1st, 2025. Click below to start your conversation with PermaChat Boots!
Hello and welcome! I am your guide in permaculture and agroecology, inspired by the experience and teachings of Perrine Bulgheroni. Whether you're a beginner gardener or an experienced farmer, I'm here to support you in your projects, answer your questions, and help you cultivate a more resilient and nature-friendly world. Where would you like to start? Due to a technical issue, the welcome message will be in French. Just ignore it: if you ask a question in English, do not worry, I will answer in English.

Real success stories

Dive into the testimonials on EasyPerma's website: Explore the stories of those who have been touched and transformed by its teachings, showcasing the power of permaculture not only to nourish the body but also to regenerate the earth and bring communities together. These personal narratives illuminate how EasyPerma's philosophy, embodied by Perrine, plants seeds of lasting change for a greener and more resilient future.

To stay informed...

Some of the photos on this site were taken at the Bec Hellouin Farm and are copyrighted. © Bec Hellouin Farm. All rights reserved.