

EasyPerma, is not just about creating gardens or farms; it's about shaping futures. Our consulting services are a testament to this vision. Here's how we ensure your project is economically viable, environmentally sustainable, and efficient: Economical Viability: We understand that a project needs to be more than just a green initiative. It should also be financially sound. Our approach ensures your project exceeds its economic benefits over costs, making it a profitable venture for you and a beneficial one for society. Environmental Sustainability: With a focus on permaculture, we ensure that your project maintains an ecological balance, conserving natural resources for future generations. We aim to fulfill current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Efficiency: Efficiency is at the core of our consulting services. We help you optimize resource use to achieve the best possible outcomes, ensuring that your project operates at its highest potential for productivity and effectiveness. Our consulting services are ideal for anyone looking to create a farm, a restaurant with its own garden, or any institution or city aiming for sustainable development. Contact us to begin your journey towards a project that's not only green but also meaningful.

Real success stories

Dive into the testimonials on EasyPerma's website: Explore the stories of those who have been touched and transformed by its teachings, showcasing the power of permaculture not only to nourish the body but also to regenerate the earth and bring communities together. These personal narratives illuminate how EasyPerma's philosophy, embodied by Perrine, plants seeds of lasting change for a greener and more resilient future.
Some of the photos on this site were taken at the Bec Hellouin Farm and are copyrighted. © Bec Hellouin Farm. All rights reserved.