Online training

Online training


Foundations of Permaculture

Understand the ethics and principles that underpin permaculture as a philosophy and practice. Learn how to observe and interact with nature to create sustainable systems.

Designing Your Garden Ecosystem

Dive into the design process and learn how to create a garden that works with nature, not against it. Discover how to map out your space for maximum efficiency and abundance.

Soil Health and Plant Nutrition

Soil is the lifeblood of your garden. Learn about soil biology, composting, and natural fertilizers to boost plant health and resilience.

Water Management and Conservation

Water is a precious resource. Explore innovative techniques for irrigation, water harvesting, and creating water-wise gardens.

Cultivating Biodiversity

Increase the resilience of your garden by encouraging a diverse range of plant and animal life. Learn how to attract beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife.

Harvesting and Beyond

Discover how to harvest your crops for peak nutrition and flavor. Learn about preserving your bounty, seed saving, and extending your growing season.

Benefits of the Training

Discover how to harvest your crops for peak nutrition and flavor. Learn about preserving your bounty, seed saving, and extending your growing season.
  • Expert Knowledge

    Discover how to harvest your crops for peak nutrition and flavor. Learn about preserving your bounty, seed saving, and extending your growing season.

  • Practical Skills

    Each session is designed to provide you with hands-on knowledge that you can immediately apply to your own garden or farm.

  • Flexibility

    Buy individual sessions to focus on specific areas or purchase the bundle for a comprehensive permaculture education.

  • Community

    Join a network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about permaculture and eager to share their experiences and support each other.

  • Sustainability

    Learn how to create systems that not only produce food but also enhance the environment, capturing carbon and fostering biodiversity.

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Discover how to harvest your crops for peak nutrition and flavor. Learn about preserving your bounty, seed saving, and extending your growing season.

Join Perrine's Online Training and Grow with Permaculture

Whether you're a seasoned gardener or new to the world of sustainable living, Perrine's training sessions offer valuable insights and practical techniques that will enrich your relationship with the land. Embrace the permaculture way and watch as your garden—and your understanding of natural systems—flourishes. Secure your spot in Perrine's online training today and take the first step towards a more sustainable and abundant future with Easyperma.

Real success stories

Dive into the testimonials on EasyPerma's website: Explore the stories of those who have been touched and transformed by its teachings, showcasing the power of permaculture not only to nourish the body but also to regenerate the earth and bring communities together. These personal narratives illuminate how EasyPerma's philosophy, embodied by Perrine, plants seeds of lasting change for a greener and more resilient future.

To stay informed...

Some of the photos on this site were taken at the Bec Hellouin Farm and are copyrighted. © Bec Hellouin Farm. All rights reserved.